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Ma’akum Development Foundation issues its annual report on projects and activities for 2024
International Children’s Day, November 20, a century after the Declaration of the Rights of the Child and 35 years after the Convention on the Rights of the Child
The cold is severe…but it is more severe on the poor…stay warm and contribute with us to the winter bag project 2024-2025 AD
Ma’akum Development Development Company continues to build the Aswan-Arari road in the Al-Martaba district, Jabal Habashi District, Taiz Governorate..
MA’AKUM Development Foundation is pleased to announce the results of the total and partial scholarships for qualification to obtain the… (TOEFL) after conducting placement tests (comparison)
Ma’akum Development Foundation implements an economic empowerment project for future entrepreneurs, graduates of the Teach Me a Career program7
MAAKUM Foundation distributes school bags and uniforms as well as educational supplies to the children who have lost their breadwinners..
Hand in hand to push our children and children towards a safe return to school, and help them achieve their right to education.
Ma’akum Development Company opens a collection water tank in Al-Sulu District.. Media Unit private
As part of its efforts to bring about recovery and transition towards sustainable development #Ma’AKUM_Development_Foundation continues to implement the project of constructing the Aswan-Arari road in the Marataba isolation in the Jabal Habashi District, which begins from the village of Arari and ends in the village of Aswan over a length of 1,600 linear meters..
Ma’akum Development Foundation is implementing the sacrificial project for this year 1445 AH 2024 AD.
As part of its efforts to achieve recovery and transition towards sustainable development, #Ma’akum_Developmental_Foundation_MAAKUM inaugurates the project of constructing Aswan-Arari Road in Al-Marateba Sub-district, Jabal Habashi District.
#Maakum_Developmental_Foundation MA’AKUM considers the Qurbani Project a humanitarian giving and an opportunity for benefactors to alleviate the suffering of those in need and share with them the joy of Eid..
Signing of Agreement for Drilling
Funded by Al–Kuraimi Foundation for Development and implemented by Ma’akum Developmental Foundation MAAKUM, the project “Improving the Educational Infrastructure of Taiz University” is inaugurated..
Ma’AKUM Development Foundation congratulates you on Eid Al-Fitr 1445 AH.. Happy new year, safety, security and peace.
Coinciding with World Orphan Day, the Protection Sector of the #Ma’AKUM_Developmental_Foundation_MA’AKUM implements the #Eid_clothing project for more than 357 orphans..
Ma’akum Developmental Foundation MAAKUM has always provided health institutions with many health projects that helped promoted their role in providing primary, sustainable and safe healthcare in a way that helps the vulnerable groups access the essential health services and their rights in getting the necessary healthcare.
Maakum Developmental Foundation MA’AKUM works to make children happy and put a smile in their faces. Within #protection projects and activities related to #safe_childhood.
Access to the most vulnerable families who live in harsh conditions, as well as the sick and their companions, providing them with a hot breakfast meals, is an authentic reinforcement of the humanitarian values of solidarity in this holy month Ramadan.
In coordination with the Office of Education in Taiz Governorate, #and the Access_Institute, MA’AKUM Foundation launches English language courses for students from the ninth to the third grade of secondary school.
Ma’akum Developmental Foundation MAAKUM congratulates you on Ramadan1445.. May this holy month bring an abundance of blessings And many happy returns
On #National_Coffee_Growth_Day in #Yemen. We at #With_You_Foundation affirm our continuous pursuit of achieving the goal of promoting sustainable livelihoods and supporting small coffee farmers,
Taiz.. Within the emergency response plan made for the water crisis, and in order to improve the quality of water sources,
Success Story of Dar Omana for renal failure in Taiz.
The success story of Dar Amnaa to shelter kidney failure patients
To avoid Climate Change Impacts and find sustainable solutions to water crisis, Ma’akum Foundation inaugurates the construction of a water tank in Hamda village Hamda, Al-Silw District, Taiz Governorate.
Ma’akum Developmental foundation MAAKUM signs an agreement to implement water tank project in Al-Hamda village in Al_slew district
حصاد 2023م Harvest 2023 #مؤسسة_معكم_التنموية_MAAKUM #Maakum_Developmental_Foundation
Models of the qualitative qualification program for future pioneers TOEFL qualification For top secondary school students in Taiz Governorate Funded by/businessman from Taiz Implemented by #Maakum_Developmental_Foundation.
Taiz.. #Maakum_Developmental Foundation MAAKUM contributes to the completion of maintaining and operating Sheb Salit Well in Al-Qahera District
Under the theme “With Education We Build the Future” #Maakum_Developmental_Foundation_MAAKUM continues the implementation of the project “Qualifying the Pioneers of the Future to get the TOEFL”
in World Childrens Day Every child has the right to have good education, health care, good nutrition, a safe environment and a stable life full
in World Childrens Day Every child has their dreams and capacities.. Let’s protect their dreams so they can come true, and let’s build their capacities so they can be fruitful.
in World Childrens Day 819 children are direct BNFs of the protection Sector’s programs of Ma’akum Developmental Foundation MAAKUM.
Humanity dies when children’s cries become destiny… and when blood becomes usual
Humanity dies when children’s cries become destiny… and when blood becomes usual
As part of the projects of improving the educational environment and promoting flexibility and resilience in public institutions Inaugurating the Computer Lab in the Networks & Cyber Security Department, the Faculty of Engineering in Taiz University..
Supporting teachers in all fields is our duty.. They make a lot of efforts.. They deserve a lot..
Sincere thanks and gratitude for all male and female teachers and volunteers working in all schools.. They spend most of their time and make a lot of efforts so that education can continue, despite all the harsh conditions caused by the war
The director of Taiz Education Office signs a memorandum of understanding with Ma’akum Developmental Foundation MAAKUM to implement the project, “Qualifying the Future Pioneers to Get the TOEFL” for the top high school students in the governorate.
Ma’akum Developmental Foundation MAAKUM signs an agreement of implementing the project “Improving the Educational Infrastructure in Taiz University”.
MAAKUM Foundation inaugurates a concrete water tank in Al-Mesrakh District Taiz..
Ma’akum_Developmental_Foundation_MAAKUM completes the implementation of the community safety and security project that targets the Civil Status Department in Taiz Gov.
As part of the program, “Teach Me a Profession 7”, the Graphics & Montage trainees organize an art exhibition for their most important applications and works, which they have learnt within the training program.
salamyemen and MAAKUM Foundations commemorate World Humanitarian Day
Ma’akum Developmental Foundation launches Back-to-School Program in August 2023
Achieving food security for the most needy families is of the supreme humanitarian objectives.. With generous funding from the International Islamic Charity Organisation IICO, 239 families in Taiz Governorate have been provided with Ramadan food parcels.. We ease the suffering.. and we paint smiles #Blessed_Ramadan #Maakum_Developmental_Foundation_MAAKUM
#Feed_the_fasting_projects A seasonal humanitarian response to passers-by and needy people #Blessed_Ramadan #Ma’akum_Developmental_Foundation_MAAKUM
Ma’akum Developmental Foundation MAAKUM congratulates you on Ramadan, 1444.. May this holy month bring an abundance of blessings And many happy returns
The head of MAAKUM Foundation, Dr. Abdul Hameed Al-Yousifi, signs with the Director of the Directorate of Jabal Habashi, Faris Al-Maleki, an agreement to finance the construction of a water reservoir in Jabal Tatar in Wadi Al-Beer , Jabal Habashi district, in the presence of the community committee and WASH coordinator at MAAKUM #Maakum_Developmental_Foundation_MAAKUM
Much appreciated to Women on their International Day for all they offer to humanity in various fields. #8مارس #يوم_المرأة_العالمي #مؤسسة_معكم_التنموية_MAAKUM
Caring for empowering young people who have not found appropriate job opportunities, which can provide sustainable livelihood sources for them and their families, is the greatest wish in order for building a better future for them and achieving a more secured society. After.. Training (16) young men and providing them with the professional skills in electrical wiring and installing solar power systems.. They were empowered today by being provided with the equipment they need in this profession, so that their wish to start their own projects and access the labor market has been achieved, and they can now rely on themselves to enhance their livelihoods and lifestyles. The project was implemented by: #Maakum_Developmental_Foundation_MAAKUM
Conclusion of the project of training and empowering (50) women in advanced sewing and food preparation. Media | MAAKUM Saturday, 18 February, 2023 In the presence of the local authority and NRC representative, #Ma’akum_Developmental_Foundation_MAAKUM concluded today the project ” Strengthening Livelihood Opportunities for Vulnerable Households in Al-Qahera and Al-Mudhaffar Districts ” through holding a productive bazaar for the female trainees in advanced sewing and food preparation. During the bazaar, (50) trainees were empowered, through distributing ovens and gas cylinders to the (30) food preparation trainees, and sewing equipment to the (20) advanced sewing trainees. Director General of the Office of Technical Education and Vocational Training in Taiz Governorate, Eng. Qaid Al-Selwi, congratulated the project graduates and expressed his happiness at the graduation of such qualified cadres for the labor market, stressing the importance of such sustainable programs and projects in improving livelihood opportunities and thanking the European Union for its funding this qualitative project and the Norwegian Refugee Council and Ma’akum Developmental Foundation MAAKUM for their outstanding implementation. During the empowerment and bazaar event, the attendees were briefed on the various food products made by the food preparation trainees, as well as the various models and dresses produced by the advanced sewing trainees. The graduate trainees expressed their happiness today as they received the empowerment kits, after which they can start their own projects and enter the labor market efficiently and competently. The event was attended by the Norwegian Refugee Council representative, Mr. Issa Mohammad, director general of the Office of Technical Education and Vocational Training in Taiz, Eng. Qaid Al-Selwi, dean of the Technical Institute in Ash-Shamyatein, Mr. Abdulilah Sallam Al-Dubaee and director of Aljanad Center for Training and Skills Development, Mr. Rashad Al-Faqih, in addition to a large gathering of merchants, interested people, and citizens. By this, #Maakum_Developmental_Foundation_MAAKUM concluded the project ” Strengthening Livelihood Opportunities for Vulnerable Households in Al-Qahera and Al-Mudhaffar Districts ,” funded by European Union in Yemen بعثة الاتحاد الأوروبي في اليمن NRC – Norwegian Refugee Council NRC East Africa & Yemen #Maakum_Developmental_Foundation_MAAKUM
Taiz.. As part of the urgent response plan for the water crisis, in order to enhance the quality of water sources and promote the withstanding of rural communities, #Maakum_Developmental_Foundation_MAAKUM launches today the project “Building a Water Tank with the Capacity of 48 Cubic Meters” in Al-Mahjaf village, Al-Jaran sub-district, Saber Al-Mawadem district, in the presence of the district director, Shaikh Abdurrahman Mohammed Al-Kadahi, the community committee and a great number of residents. The project will benefit 2500 people, and it was implemented in coordination with the local authority and the WASH cluster. #Maakum_Developmental_Foundation_MAAKUM
NRC visits the entrepreneurship and life skills course within the project ” Strengthening Livelihood Opportunities for Vulnerable Households in Al-Qahera and Al-Mudhaffar Districts “, implemented by #MAAKUM with the aim of providing added value to the project in order to enable 50 trainees, who have completed their training in the fields of advanced sewing and food preparation, to acquire the skills and ability needed to compete in the labor market. The visit provided an additional incentive for the trainees, who are about to complete the training and receive empowerment kits to start their own projects and enter the labor market. This project is being implemented by #Maakum_Developmental_Foundation_MAAKUM, with funding from the European Union EU and in partnership with the Norwegian Refugee Council NRC in Taiz Governorate. تمويل بعثة الاتحاد الأوروبي في اليمن European Union in Yemen بعثة الاتحاد الأوروبي في اليمن تنفيذ المجلس النرويجي NRC NRC – Norwegian Refugee Council بالشراكة مع #مؤسسة_معكم_التنموية_MAAKUM NRC East Africa & Yemen European Union in Yemen بعثة الاتحاد الأوروبي في اليمن https://www.facebook.com/Maakumye
Through this sector, the foundation aims to enhance the access to safe and comprehensive education opportunities for vulnerable school-age children, care providers and people working in the field of education, which will enhance recovery and resilience, focusing on those in dire need of educational services in the areas of great need due to the lack of education facilities along with the increase in displacement #World_Education_Day #Education_is_ameans_of_investing_in_people #Education_Is_Life #Maakum_Developmental_Foundation_MAAKUM
Education should be given priority to contribute effectively to achieving sustainable development objectives #World_Education_Day #Education_is_ameans_of_investing_in_people #Education_Is_Life #Maakum_Developmental_Foundation_MAAKUM
Craftsmanship training, practical studying and meaningful interaction by the trainees, and a race to achieve empowerment to enhance the Opportunities to earn a living. Taiz Governorate, European Union in Yemen بعثة الاتحاد الأوروبي في اليمن NRC – Norwegian Refugee Council @NRC East Africa & Yemen #Maakum_Developmental_Foundation_MAAKUM
#مؤسسة_معكم_التنموية_MAAKUM It is cold .. but it is colder for the poor. #be_warming #winter_clothing_project #MAAKUM_Developmental_Foundation_MAAKUM البرد شديد .. لكنه على الفقراء أشد. #كُن_دفئا #مشروع_كسوة_الشتاء
As part of its objectives to strengthen its partnerships, #Maakum_Developmental_Foundation_MAAKUM signed today a memorandum of understanding with Yemen Medicine Bank YMB.. In the memorandum, the two parties agreed on implementing joint health projects that effectively contribute to alleviating people’s suffering through providing medical and medicinal services (surgical camps, mobile clinics, medical camps), especially in light of the spread of epidemics and chronic diseases, in accordance with the principles of the humanitarian work that preserve the dignity of BNFs and efficiently achieve the common humanitarian goals.. The memorandum was signed by Dr. Walid Al-Shuaibi, representing Yemen Medicine Bank as its Executive Director, and Dr. Abdulhameed Al-Yousifi, representing Ma’akum Developmental Foundation as its Chairman.
The need for shelter and non-food aid (NFIs) is one of the priorities needed by the most vulnerable IDPs, especially in the winter when severe frosts devour the bodies of IDPs, especially children, women and the elderly. (127) winter kits were distributed to (712) IDPs, including (325) children. #Winter clothing project 2022-2023 below zero Funding and supervision of : #International_Islamic_Charitable_Organization_IICO Implemented by: #MAAKUM_Foundation
#Be_Warming Humanitarian Interventions to protect IDP families living in camps or incomplete homes are a priority in winter so as to alleviate the effects of the extreme cold on the most vulnerable families. #Winter_Kit_Project #Implemented_by_Maakum_Developmental_Foundation_MAAKUM
Training and qualifying youth within livelihood projects are among the most important developmental projects that enhance sustainability and create new job and production opportunities. Taiz.. funded by #Selah_Foundation_for_Development, #Maakum_Developmental_Foundation_MAAKUM held today the concluding ceremony of the program #My_Profession_Is_in_My_Hand in its sixth version in AlJanad Center for Training and Skills Development, Celebrating the graduation of (15) trainee in electrical wiring and solar power systems. The training was accompanied by voluntary field applications to gain practical experience. The program also included courses in entrepreneurship to build the trainees’ skills in the areas of market study, and preparing studies and financial costs for projects, in addition to a course in occupational safety. In his speech, Director General of the Office of Social Affairs and Labor, Mr. Abdo Ali Mohamed, thanked Selah Foundation for Development for funding this program for the sixth year in a row, which will supply the labor market with qualitatively trained cadres. The ceremony was attended by Eng. Qaid Abdullah Al-Selwi, Director General of the Office of Technical Education and Vocational Training, Mr. Abdu Ali Muhammad, Director General of the Office of Social Affairs and Labor, Dr. Abdulhameed Saif, Chairman of Ma’akum Developmental Foundation MAAKUM, and Dr. Ruba Al-Janadi, Representative of Selah Foundation for Development. #Maakum_Developmental_Foundation_MAAKUM
Taiz.. Celebrating the World Cleanup Day, in presence of the director of the Education Office and the director of School Health in the governorate, and in partnership with #Ma’akum_Developmental_Foundation_MAAKUM, Qiam Volunteer Team launches the project #My_School_Is_More_Beautiful, which targets (10) public schools in Al-Mudhaffar District. The project provides the schools with cleaning kits followed by awareness and cleanup campaigns in the targeted schools. #World_Cleanup_Day #Cleanliness_Is_a_Moral_and_Civilized_Bahavior #Maakum_Developmental_Foundation_MAAKUM
The head of Ma’akum foundation receives the Director General of Mashra’a and Hadnan district Mr. Jamal Al-Naqeeb.. During the meeting, the paving of the district’s road was discussed due to the road’s destruction, and the ways of interventions to pave the road to alleviate the suffering of the residents. #Maakum_Developmental_Foundation
Selah Foundation for Development One of the most important goals of sustainable development is to create job opportunities for young people who have not been able to obtain empowerment and getting a decent livelihood for them. # Ma`akum Foundation MAAKUM In Taiz, MAAKUM completing the Life Skills and Entrepreneurship Program for Youth in the Professional Diploma of Electrical wiring and installation of the solar energy system. Within my Profession program 6, Funded by Selah Foundation for Development.
The start of carpentry work on the roof of the reservoir in Al-Mahzaf area, Sabr Al-Mawadim district, as part of the project to improve water quality and strengthen the resilience of the rural population. #MAAKUM_Developmental_Foundation_MAAKUM
#International_Volunteer_Day_December5th On this day, we find it an opportunity to thank all the voluntary workers who dedicate their time and efforts to serve the community. It is an opportunity to raise community awareness about the importance and necessity of volunteering in societies, especially those that have suffered from conflicts. #Maakum_Developmental_Foundation_MAAKUM
In order to enhance sustainable and income-generating livelihood opportunities, MAAKUM Foundation continues training and qualifying (50) women from vulnerable families. (20) of them are being trained in advanced sewing while the other (30) are being trained in food preparation, within the project “Strengthening Livelihood Opportunities for Vulnerable Families in Al-Qahera and Al-Mudhaffar Districts”, funded by the European Union (EU) in partnership with the Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC). European Union in Yemen بعثة الاتحاد الأوروبي في اليمن NRC – Norwegian Refugee Council @NRC East Africa & Yemen #Maakum_Developmental_Foundation_MAAKUM
Youth are a priority in livelihood projects in order to enhance their opportunities of getting sustainable income-generating work and improve their ability to withstand the necessities of life. Funded by #Selah_Foundation_for_Development, the trainees within My Profession is in My Hands 6 Program continue their community initiatives (practical application in the field) to enhance their capabilities and technical and professional skills in accordance with the approved executive plan for the Electrical Wiring and Solar Power Systems Course, implemented by #MAAKUM_Developmental_Foundation in Taiz Government.
When winter comes, children need more warm to face the bitter cold. Ma’akum Developmental Foundation is doing its best to alleviate their suffering so that they can feel both warm and happy. #Maakum_Developmental_Foundation_MAAKUM #World_Childrens_Day
All children who have lost their breadwinners have the right to comprehensive care, a safe life, and an appropriate educational, healthy and social environment. #Maakum_Developmental_Foundation_MAAKUM #World_Childrens_Day
Winter looks wonderful Except it is not so for many poor families and thousands of people shivering with cold. #Be_warming #Maakum_Developmental_Foundation_MAAKUM #World_Childrens_Day
The education children get should perfectly develop their personalities, talents and abilities. They should also be educated on their rights, respecting other`s rights and cultures and living in peace. #Maakum_Developmental_Foundation_MAAKUM #World_Childrens_Day
Smiles of children give humanitarian workers strong motivation to continue and do their best to make children happy. #Maakum_Developmental_Foundation_MAAKUM #World_Childrens_Day
#Taiz.. Dengue fever is killing dozens of people #Be_a_healing_palm And contribute to supporting the free pharmacy for dengue fever #Maakum_Developmental_Foundation_MAAKUM
Celebrating #World_Children’s_Day Children in Yemen.. are the most suffering in the world #World_Childrens_Day #Yemen #MAAKUM_Foundation
Celebrating #World_Children’s_Day Children’s education is the biggest casualty of the war in Yemen. After six years of conflict, according to a UNICEF report issued in July 2022, it was revealed that more than two million children (boys and girls of school age) are out of school due to the poverty, conflict and lack of education opportunities in the country. #International_Children’s_Day #Yemen #Education_is_life #MAAKUM_Foumdation
According to the Humanitarian Response Plan in Yemen, interventions in the Food Security and Livelihoods (FSL) sector is one of the most important programs for food security and livelihoods that help enhance the resilience of families. The cash assistance project, funded by Selah Foundation for Development and implemented by MAAKUM Foundation, is among the most important projects that enhance the abilities of (232) vulnerable families in Taiz governorate to afford food and meet their basic needs, which ensures a safe and healthy life for them. #Livelihoods #Selah_Foundation_for_Development #MAAKUM
Livelihoods are the capabilities, assets and activities that he undertakes to secure the basic food for the family With the aim of improving sustainable livelihood opportunities for vulnerable families and providing an urgent response to protect lives and assist adaptation for the poorest and conflict-affected families, with a focus on people with special needs and the most vulnerable groups. MAAKUM Developmental Foundation has launched a training program for (50) trainees from vulnerable families to get acquainted with the best practices to give them the ability to design fashion professionally as well as to manufacture high-end food products that meet the needs of the labor market. Through this project, (20) trainees will be trained and empowered in the field of advanced sewing arts and (30) trainees in the field of food , sweet and feast preparation as part of the project to strenghen livelihood opportunities for vulnerable families in the districts of Al-Qaheria and Al- Mudhaffar funded by the European Union (EU) in partnership with Norwegian Refugee Council NRC. This project comes within Ma’akum Developmental Foundation (MAAKUM) interventions in the field of food security and livelihoods (FSL), emergency response and recovery by contributing to building and strengthening the long-term resilience of local communities, families and women who head their families , securing their livelihoods in a sustainable manner and creating opportunities Emergency and sustainable work for vulnerable groups through economic empowerment projects, which are considered one of the most important means to eliminate unemployment and alleviate poverty. The establishment of such training activities is also a helpful tool in building peace and achieving long-term stabilization, which in turn seeks to lay the foundations for recovery from conflict. The inauguration was attended by the Director General of the Office of Technical Education and Vocational Training, Eng. Qaed Al-Selwi, and the President of MAAKUM, Dr. Abdulhameed Saif. European Union in Yemen بعثة الاتحاد الأوروبي في اليمن NRC – Norwegian Refugee Council @NRC East Africa & Yemen #Maakum_Developmental_Foundation_MAAKUM
A part of the interviews of the applicants for Advanced Sewing and Food Preparation Course within the project “Strengthening Livelihood Opportunities for the Vulnerable Families in Al-Qahera and Al-Mudhaffar Districts, Taiz Governorate”, which includes training, qualifying and empowering (50) women in advanced sewing and food preparation, funded by the European Union EU in partnership with the Norwegian Refugee Council NRC. European Union in Yemen بعثة الاتحاد الأوروبي في اليمن NRC – Norwegian Refugee Council @NRC East Africa & Yemen #Maakum_Developmental_Foundation_MAAKUM
Women supporting their families are considered a priority in livelihood projects that give them a sustainable opportunity to start their own income-generating business. #Taiz.. The field team of MAAKUM Developmental Foundation concludes the field verification stage for the candidate families within the project “Strengthening Livelihood Opportunities for Vulnerable Families” in Al-Qahera and Al-Mudhaffar Districts in Taiz Governorate, which includes training, qualifying and empowering (50) women in the fields of advanced sewing and food preparation, funded by the European Union in partnership with Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC) European Union in Yemen بعثة الاتحاد الأوروبي في اليمن NRC – Norwegian Refugee Council @NRC East Africa & Yemen #Maakum_Developmental_Foundation_MAAKUM
Livelihood projects aim to provide a sustainable source of income for beneficiary families. #Taiz.. MAAKUM holds an introductory workshop on the project “Strengthening Livelihood Opportunities for Vulnerable Families” in Al-Qahera and Al-Mudhaffar Districts in Taiz Governorate, which includes training, qualifying and empowering (50) women in the fields of advanced sewing and food preparation, funded by the European Union in partnership with the Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC) European Union in Yemen بعثة الاتحاد الأوروبي في اليمن NRC – Norwegian Refugee Council @NRC East Africa & Yemen… عرض المزيد
Livelihoods works to create sustainable job opportunities for the most vulnerable groups in society through economic empowerment projects. #Taiz.. MAAKUM Developmental Foundation signs a memorandum of understanding with the relevant local authorities represented by the Planning Office, the Social Affairs and Labor Office, the Technical Education and Vocational Training Office, and representatives of the local authority in the districts targeted for the project to enhance livelihood opportunities for vulnerable families in the districts of Al-Qaheria and Mudhaffar in Taiz governorate through training Qualifying and empowering (50) women in the fields of advanced sewing and food preparation, funded by the Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC). European Union in Yemen بعثة الاتحاد الأوروبي في اليمن NRC – Norwegian Refugee Council NRC East Africa & Yemen #Maakum_Developmental_Foundation_MAAKUM
Taiz.. As part of MAAKUM’s developmental efforts to support the technical education and vocational training and motivate young people to acquire skills, professions and self-reliance needed to get prepared for the labor market, the foundation contributed to honoring 32 of the country’s top school leavers for this year, as well as honoring 158 distinguished teachers, administrators and instructors in technical and vocational institutes in the honoring ceremony held by the Office of Technical Education and Vocational Training and the local authority in Taiz. #Maakum_Developmental_Foundation_MAAKUM
#Taiz.. For better health protection for women.. #Ma’akum_Developmental_Foundation_MAAKUM holds a raising-awareness course on breast cancer as part of the annual campaign for early detection of cancer, during October, conducted by the National Cancer Control Foundation – Taiz The course trained and educated more than 50 women from families who have lost their breadwinners on the importance of the early clinical detection of breast cancer, as it is the best available method to reduce the number of deaths and increase the number of survivors of the disease. The course also included introducing the causes, symptoms and methods of prevention from this disease, in addition to training the participants on methods of self-examination at home. #Maakum_Developmental_Foundation_MAAKUM
#Taiz.. We are continuing.. Work is well under way on a project to improve the quality of water sources and enhance the resilience of rural residents through the construction of the Al-Mahzaf concrete tank in Saber Al-Mawadim district. #MAAKUM_Developmental_Foundation
Taiz.. The Head of MAAKUM Foundation meets the delegation of the Water Corporation in Taiz to discuss the needs of the water sector and seek to find sustainable solutions to the water problem in Taiz Governorate and to strengthen the partnership between the government sector and foundations in light of the great and sustainable efforts made by MAAKUM in the WASH sector. #MAAKUM_Developmental_Foundation_MAAKUM
Taiz.. after the death of the young man Hassan Hameed Al-Nahari yesterday, Dengue fever kills dozens, and cases of infection have risen to more than eight thousand. The local authorities are discussing plans to confront this epidemic, foremost of which is the misty spray and the back filling the open swamps and the integrated teamwork between the various offices and authorities in the governorate.
Taiz.. Within the emergency response plan made for the water crisis, and in order to improve the quality of water sources, #Maakum_Developmental_Foundation_MAAKUM launches the project “Building a Water Tank in Al-Mahzaf Village in Saber Al-Mawadem District”.
For Free Health Care for Newborns As part of its plan to enhance the capacity of the incubators department in the Yemeni-Swedish Hospital in Taiz, which is the only hospital for children in the governorate, today, Thursday, 6 October, 2022 Ma’akum Developmental Foundation MAAKUM supplied it with a new baby incubator. This project comes months after MAAKUM Foundation provided the Incubators Department at AL-Jomhori Hospital with (4) incubators and (😎 phototherapy devices. This project aims to provide basic care for newborns. Thanks to this support, and others provided by organizations, the poorest families can now obtain basic health care for their children, which was impossible before, where most families could not afford treating their children in private hospitals, which are very expensive, along with the deteriorating general economic situation for years.
#The_Transformation_of_Education_Begins_with_Teachers Under this slogan, the world celebrates World Teachers’ Day today, Wednesday, October 5. All the love, respect, appreciation, thanks and gratitude are to every teacher in this world.. #World_Teachers’_Day_October_5 #The_Transformation_of_Education_Begins_with_Teachers #Education_is_Life #Ma’akum_Develppmental_Foundation_MAAKUM
The Livelihoods Sector creates sustainable job opportunities for the most vulnerable groups in society through economic empowerment projects. #Taiz.. Funded by Sela Foundation for Development, MAAKUM Foundation continues implementing the project “My Profession is in my Hand 6” in the areas of electrical wiring and maintenance of solar power systems for 15 young people.
It is not just a school bag or uniform.. Rather, it contains necessary educational supplies to motivate children to continue their education in the most drop-out-of-school areas due to the harsh living and climatic conditions people in Mawza District, west of Taiz governorate, are suffering from.. #Maakum_Developmental_Foundation_MAAKUM #Education_is_life #Back_To_School_Campaign #Distribution_of_Bag_and_School_Uniform #September_2022
We all hope
The inauguration of the project to build a water tank in the village of Al-Mahzaf in the Saber Al-Mawadim district
Celebrating World Humanitarian Day 2022 in Taiz Governorate
Launching Dar Al-Hayat for Cancer Patients in Taiz City with funding from Bazara Foundation for Development and implementing of Ma’akum Developmental Foundation mdf.. Deputy Governor of Taiz for Health Affairs launches Dar for cancer patients.
Program Report Furnishing Dar Al-Hayat-1
Taiz.. in the presence of the directors of five government offices #Maakum_Developmental_Foundation_MDF implements a project to improve livelihoods and economic empowerment for 100 young men and women after training them in four areas: sewing, embroidery, international computer driving license, decoration and graphics.
Taiz .. funded by the Turkish TIKA Agency, the implementation of the project to increase the capacity of the children’s incubators department at Aljomhori hospital.
Free medical camp in Taiz Amid a great turnout, it embodies the tragedy and the difficult situation of patients and their families. Continuing for the second day
Taiz.. Ma’akum Developmental Foundation mdf inaugurates the free health camp at Al Taawun Hospital.
Announcement Ma’akum Developmental Foundation mdf announces the establishment of a Free Health Camp.
Taiz Al-Thawra General Hospital in Taiz announces its cessation of work due to the lack of diesel. Al-Jomhori Hospital administration appeals to the Governor of Taiz Governorate, members of the local authority and humanitarian organizations to quickly supply the hospital with diesel
Taiz .. mdf Foundation continues its emergency interventions in 2022 in Mawza District
mdf Foundation launches phase II of its emergency interventions in 2022 in Mawza District.
#success_story I am Hajar Ahmed Hizam, one of the beneficiaries of #Rizk_project implemented by #Maakum_DevelopmentalFoundation_mdf..
Taiz..Livelihoods sector Empowerment of women and youth.. Trainees of the Decoration Department continue their training within “Teach Me Profession 6” #Maakum_Developmental_Foundation_mdf
Taiz .. mdf Holds the Final Evaluation Meeting for the Officials of the Community Committees for the year 2021
Taiz.. Trainees of the Decoration Department continue their training within “Teach Me Profession 6” program activity..
Taiz .. Graphics and Montage trainees continue their training sparkly within the program “Teach Me a Profession”, in its sixth edition,
Taiz.. Sewing and embroidery trainers continue their training within ” Teach Me Profession 6″ program implemented by Ma’akum Developmental Foundation mdf.
Taiz.. Funded by Mercyrelief, Ma’akum Developmental Foundation mdf Concludes the Implementation of Al-Sogeima Well Project in Mawza District..
Taiz.. The President of mdf receives the Manger of LWSC
Ma’akum Developmental Foundation MDF Implements the “Supply and installs filters at the Dialysis Station at the AlJomhory Hospital” Project.
Taiz..mdf responds to the distress call of the dialysis center at Al-Jomhori hospital..
Within Teach Me Profession 6 project to train and empower young people, implemented by mdf..
Taiz.. Ma’akum Developmental Foundation mdf implemented the project of Solar Energy System for the IDPs in Al-Domeera Camp in Moza’a District.
Taiz .. mdf launches the implementation of the project to Improve Livelihoods and Food Security in the Cultivation of Yemeni Coffee in the district of Al-Maafer
Taiz… mdf launches Teach Me a Profession 6 Program
#Taiz.. mdf concludes the training course for planting the Yemeni Coffee Project..
Taiz .. mdf implements a project to rehabilitate and repair the water network in (12) sites in Taiz city , Al-Qaheria and Al-Mudhaffar districts..
Taiz .. mdf implements an introductory workshop for the project to improve livelihoods and food security for small-scale coffee farmers..
Taiz .. Within Teach me a profession 6 program The Livelihood Sector at Ma’akum Developmental Foundation mdf conducts primary interviews for applicants amid intense competition and huge number of candidates for admission.
Taiz.. Resuming the dispensing of heart and blood pressure medicines in the free pharmacy at Al-Taawun Hospital, which is funded by Ma’akum Developmental Foundation mdf, while continuing to dispense fever medicines..
Volunteer teachers work hard to continue the educational process in most schools.. They surely deserve support and help
Ma’akum Developmental Foundation`s efforts in pharmacy feld
Taiz.. with the aim of improving the educational environment Ma’akum Developmental Foundation mdf provides Al-Etesam School in Al-Mawasit District with whiteboards..
Taiz … Taiz-Lahj-Aden Road The expansion continues in the sector financed by Ma’akum Developmental Foundation (mdf) in Al-Aramiah – Al-Jumrok area.
Taiz.. Ma’akum Developmental Foundation inaugurates a project to distribute 3,573,000 liters of drinking water distributed to 91 points in the districts of Al-Mudhaffar, Alqaheria, and Sala over a month and a half. ..
Announcement.. For those looking to qualify for the labor market..
Ma’akum Developmental Foundation mdf supports the IDPs people who affected by the burning of their camps in Hodeidah with food and shelter materials.
Taiz..within the efforts of WASH sector in finding sustainable solutions to the water crisis. Work continues to rehabilitate the well of Al-Muhaisi, Mawza District Providing it with a tank and a delivery network to the village, along with installing a solar energy system.
Taiz.. Work is well under way to complete the project to dig the well of Al-Sijima, the village of Al-Qattan Al-Hamli, Mawza District, funded by MercyRelief.
Taiz.. the continuation of dispensing heart medications at the free pharmacy of Ma’akum Developmental Foundation mdf in Al Taawun Hospital, which includes 37 items..
Taiz ..within back to school campaign .. Ma’akum Developmental Foundation mdf launches the project of distributing school bags for children who have lost breadwinners
Taiz…. In less than a month, the district of Jabal Habbashi was exposed to torrential rain and flash floods, leading to massive damages to public and private properties.
The schools of Taiz inaugurate a new school year today. The head of education office in Taiz, Abdulwasee Shadad inuagrates the new school year: 2021- 2022
Taiz In coincidence with the World Youth Day, Ma’akom Development Foundation (mdf) is honored by the office of youth and sports as one of the supporting bodies to the summer camps for clubs and schools.
Taiz .. Semi_Annual Report2021 .. Ma’akum Developmental Foundation mdf
Taiz.. Ma’akum Developmental Foundation mdf honors and empowers 200 future entrepreneurs within Teach Me a profession Program
Taiz..Ma’akum developmental foundation implements rehabilitation and maintenance of Oqaqa well west of Taiz city.
Ma’akum Developmental Foundation, mdf, continues working the preliminary part of the road in Al Madhbah Al-Majnan sector, with a length of 7 km.
Within its projects in Ramadan, and investing the month of mercy, Ma’akum Developmental Foundation mdf , implements the project of repaying the debts of insolvent to the pharmacies and grocery stores .
Taiz .. continuing the free pharmacy for Covid-19 patients
Within its Ramadan projects, Ma’akum Developmental Foundation mdf implements the food baskets distribution project in Aden governorate. The project has benefited (100) IDPs families from Al-Hudaydah Governorate.
.. Within the livelihood sector, Ma’akum Developmental Foundation mdf has completed the implementation of Rizk Microfinance Project. Which targeted to finance and open (32) income-generating projects
Taiz .. Dar Omana for Housing Renal Failure Patients is one of Ma’akum Developmental Foundation’s mdf projects , it opened on January 28, 2018. The house accommodates 30 patients with kidney failure patients coming from the countryside of Taiz. It provides patients with housing, nutrition and various psychosocial support services for nothing.
Taiz … As part of Health Sector efforts at Ma’akum Developmental Foundation mdf to confront COVID19 in Taiz, the health isolation center at Al -jomhori Hospital in Taiz has been supported with 20 oxygen cylinders Funded by a businessman from Taiz.
mdf wishes you a blessed month May Allah return it for all of us in goodness,prosperity and health
Taiz .. Ma’akum Developmental Foundation mdf carried out food convoy for 100 families from Wadi Al-Majza’a and Wadi Al-Masiwid in Lahjj governorate located in the new line of Taiz artery, which is part of its Ramadan relief projects.
There are thousand of families their suffering is doubled due to the conflict, loss of their breadwinner, loss of the source of income, displacement and homelessness, or otherwise. Ma’akum Developmental Foundation mdf takes care of some of these families to alleviate their suffering.
Report.. Ma’akum Developmental Foundation, MDF headed by Dr. AbdulHameed AlYusofi has launched the inauguration of the initial phase of Madhbah strained slope road which was carried out within the framework of the intervention of the Foundation within the sector of the” (AlMadhbah, Barh AlMignan, and Almijnan) strained slope road. Al-Yousfi said that this sector is approximately 7 km long and costs 50 million Yemeni rials as a first payment.
Ma’akum Developmental Foundation mdf seeks to pay the debts of those families needed for pharmacies and grocery stores within its projects in Ramadhan of every year.
In the presence of the head of Ma’akum Developmental Foundation mdf, the biggest supporter of the project ..
Taiz .. With the aim of giving them small income generating projects. Ma’akum Developmental Foundation mdf signs contracts with the second batch of beneficiaries from Rizk Microfinance Program, which are 7 men and 7 women.
Taiz..Ma’akum Developmental Foundation mdf continues the work on Al-Qrood road… Al-Misrakh Directorate
A head start in Islam is a honorable one … so how about if it is included in the fasting of those who are fasting .. Ma’akum Developmental Foundation mdf contributes every year in distributing hot meals (iftar fasting people), including the generous and kind people. Ma’akum Developmental Foundation mdf One hand builds… and the other relieves
The benefactors are eager to have Al Ajjer of those who are fasting through projects that distribute dates to poor families Ma’akum Developmental Foundation mdf seeks to be the messenger of the benefactors to the poor and needy.
Taiz … towards sustainable development and empowerment of youth and women
Taiz … funded by Selah Foundation for Development .. mdf concludes the program My profession is in my hand 4
Taiz .. Opening a new route (a ring road) to Ras Al-Naqil road , Al Masrakh districts. Media department | Special
Taiz … My profession is in my hands 4 advanced sewing course, continuing their training.
Taiz … 700 operations are targeted. In the presence of the governor of the governorate and funding by Bazara Development Charitable Foundation, Ma’akum Developmental Foundation mdf, in partnership with Al Jomhori Hospital, is launching the free surgical medical camp of Bazara.
Taiz .. mdf implements a project to distribute infant formula.
Taiz .. mdf continues to implement a program that teach me a profession for (200) male and female trainees.
Taiz … funded by Selah Foundation for Development, Ma’akum Developmental Foundation, mdf, continues training the advanced sewing course.
Taiz .. Implementing a course on child protection and mine protection for Education Cluster partners in Taiz Governorate
Taiz .. inauguration of my profession in my hand 4 program .. Advanced sewing course funding by Saleh development Foundation and implementation of Ma’akum developmental foundation mdf
For the fourth year in a row My profession is in my hands 4
Taiz .. Inauguration of Al-Amaker village water tank project … Al-Jundia with a capacity of 100,000 liters
Taiz .. mdf announces registration of new courses within my profession in my hand 4 program funded Selah Foundation for Development
Taiz .. Ma’akum Developmental Foundation mdf implements a project to maintain and rehabilitate a well in v Al Oshari village in Mawiyah
Signing an agreement between .. Selah Foundation for Development and Ma’akum Developmental Foundation mdf
Taiz .. opening the third free pharmacy for fevers at Al-Thawra General Hospital in Taiz.
Taiz .. Ma’akum Developmental Foundation mdf conducts preliminary interviews for candidates for Teach Me a Profession program.
Taiz … under the slogan Towards a healthy and clean school environment … Ma’akum Developmental Foundation mdf launches the school sterilization project …
emen – Taiz Sponsored by the governor of Taiz Governorate, Mr. Nabil Shamsan.. It was launched today Tuesday 08 September 2020 in the city of Taiz, specifically in Al Qaheria district; The emergency response project to combat dengue fever funded by the World Assembly of Muslim Youth (WAMY) – Yemen Office, and implemented by Ma’akum Developmental Foundation mdf.
In coordination with the education office in the governorate, Ma’akum Developmental Foundation, mdf, implements the remedial classes project for students.
Taiz .. MDF Foundation launches the return to school campaign ..
Tihama … Floods cause great losses in property and lives … and the National Tuhami Coalition appeals to everyone to help the afflicted.
Within its plan to support (6,260) families with Al-Adha meat, Taiz Governorate, for the year 1441.. mdf Development Foundation Inaugurates the sacrificial meat distribution project ..
Taiz .. Mercy Relief British Foundation opens a free pharmacy for epidemiology and fevers at Al Ta’awun Hospital ..
Taiz .. For the third year in a row Ma’akum Developmental Foundation MDF has implemented a health project for children who have lost their breadwinner(The orphans).
Taiz .. In the presence of the local authority and the emergency committee .. Ma’akum Developmental Foundation mdf opens the free pharmacy for COVID19 patients in Al jomhori Hospital and provides the center with an ABG blood test
June 12 International Day against Child Labor .. We do not leave them at risk .. Together we take care of them .. Ma’akum developmental foundation mdf One hand builds .. and another relieves
Taiz .. Within its programs to combat the Corona virus Ma’akum developmental foundation mdf signs a cooperation agreement with Al jomhori Hospital ..
Ma’akum Developmental Foundation mdf congratulates you on the occasion of the blessed Eid Al-Fitr .. and wishes you immersive times of happiness ..
Bazraa Charitable Development Foundation Continue its human bidding for the governorate of Taiz continues
Taiz…. for the fifth year in succession Bazraa Charitable Developmental Foundation It continues its humanitarian bids for the governorate of Taiz through its distinguished project (Hayat 3) ..
Taiz .. funded by Silah foundation for Development .. mdf carries out the food basket distribution project
Taiz .. Ma’akum Developmental Foundation mdf distributes charity meat to poor families ..
Taiz .. mdf signs an agreement to implement Hayat 3 Project with Bazraa Charitable Developmental Foundation
Ma’akum developmental foundation mdf continues the TOT training sessions program to face COVID19 continues
Watch .. Congratulations on the occasion of the blessed month of Ramadan from Ma’akum Developmental Foundation mdf
Ramadan karem . Blessed month- Wish to you to be in a good health every year.
watch .. pumping water from Al-Birarah well after maintenance of Ma’akum Developmental Foundation mdf for the well In coordination with the local foundation for water and sanitation in Taiz
Taiz ..In response to the call of life..and towards finding sustainable solutions to the water problem in Taiz..Ma’akum Developmental foundation mdf implements a maintenance and restart project for Al- Birarah well Al-Mudhafar district ..
Watch .. Yemen Shabab Channel coverage of the TOT Trainers’ Course to face the threat of the emerging Corona Virus COVID-19
Watch … Preventive measures to prevent the risk of infection with the emerging corona virus, COVID 19
Taiz .. Under the supervision of specialist doctors from America, Canada and France … Ma’akum Developmental Foundation mdf launches a program of training sessions for TOT trainers to confront the threat of COVID19 ..
Taiz .. Ma’akum Developmental Foundation mdf celebrates the Arabic Day for an Orphan ..
Taiz .. Ma’akum Developmental Foundation mdf implements a sterilization campaign for police stations in Alqahirah directorate ..
Taiz .. mdf Emergency Unit launches emergency intervention programs to confront the threat of the spread of the new Corona virus covid19 ..
Taiz .. Ma’akum Developmental Foundation (mdf) distributes (10) water tanks to the worst affected residential neighborhoods.
Taiz .. On the occasion of International Women’s Day ..mdf Ma’akum developmental Foundation visits female prisoners in the central reformatory
Taiz .. Ma’akum Developmental Foundation mdf launches a project to rehabilitate Nabie Alma’a in Al-Haqer zone Al-Mudhafar district ..
Taiz .. Ma’akum Developmental Foundation mdf honors a number of schools
Taiz .. mdf Foundation honors 112 trainees of future entrepreneurs within the framework of my profession is in my hand 3
WASH Sector at Ma’akum Dvelepmental Foundation, mdf, has completed the project of rehabilitating and maintain Tha’abat Well and bringing it to service again.
Taiz… Ma’akum Developmental Foundation, mdf, has delivered Food Baskets Project.
Taiz ..MDF Foundation launches the project of maintenance and rehabilitation of the suspended Tha’abat well for several months.
Taiz .. mdf completes the distribution of 1560 winter bags.
Ma’akum developmental foundatin mdf..Programs and Activities report for 2019
For the fourth time Within the past two months, mdf Foundation rehabilitates the fourth Well in Taiz City. Ghreb Amed- BeerBasha. In response to the call of life
It targets 4200 individuals and Families..King Salman Center launches winter Basket Project, December 2019 Taiz Governorate,
After rehabilitating 3 wells in to the two months ago..Ma’akum Developmental Foundation mdf launches work to maintain and rehabilitate Gharb Amad well in Al-Mudhafar district ..
Within its vision to develop its institutional capabilities 2020 .. mdf organizes a series of courses and participatory activities for its employees
Ma’akum Developmental Foundation MDF launches the work to maintain and rehabilitate the Jannat well in Senah district of Al-Muddafar district ..
Taiz .. Towards a partnership to enhance the sustainability of public services .. The general director of Water and Sewerage foundation Visits Ma’akum developmental Foundation (MDF)
Taiz.. Within the activities of food security sector, Ma’akum Developmental Foundation (MDF) contributes to support (858) families with food baskets.
Taiz .. World Day for Special Needs December 3rd. Ma’akum Developmental Foundation MDF commemorates the event with children with autism at Al-Amal Center for Autism in Taiz.
Taiz Within its vision of sustainable solutions to the water crisis in Taiz .. Ma’akum Developmental Foundation(MDF) implements the maintenance and rehabilitation of the Montazah well
Taiz Ma’akum Developmental Foundation MDF celebrates World Day against Violence against Women
Taiz Distribution of 600 bags and school uniforms to the neediest students ..
Taiz.. Photos from applications of maintenance and programming trainees.
MDF Foundation distributes baby milk ..
Sound engineering, montage and photography trainees at Watani FM Within My profession is in my hand 3 program
Taiz .. A delegation from the official authorities on a visit to My profession is in my hand 3program.
Trainees of Wi-Fi networks Department with their wonderful engineer Ahmed Al-Shamiri within My profession is in my hand3 program
Trainees of photography, montage and sound engineering meet the Foundation’s president Dr. Abdul Hamid Hamid in his office ..
Photos from the productions of food industry trainees within the program of My profession is in my hand 3.
Photos of the applications of the trainees of electrical wiring , maintenance and installation of solar energy systems within the program of My profession is in my hand3
Taiz .. Chairman of MDF visits My profession is in my hand3 programs
Taiz..My profession is in my hand3 trainees continue with great interaction with the program decisions ..
Taiz .. Trainees of the department of Photography, Montage and Sound Engineering conclude the montage course ..
Taiz .. Department of Food Industry innovate in training.
Taiz .. Ma’akum Developmental Foundation mdf implements recreational trip for patients of kidney failure
Taiz..Ma’akum Developmental Foundation mdf implements the maintenance and rehabilitation of a well around the tree
Taiz .. funded by Selah Developmental Foundation.MDF Continues the implementation of My profession is in my hand 3 program
Taiz. Trainees of My profession is in my hand 3
Taiz..Ma’akum Developmental Foundation MDF continues to implement the program of My profession is in my hand 3
Taiz .. Ma’akum Developmental Foundation mdf continues the implementation of the distribution of bread loaf for poor families.
Taiz .. Ma’akum Developmental Foundation mdf continues the implementation of watering project for the affected areas
mdf .. Inaunched of My profession is in my hand 3 Program for 108 trainees
Taiz .. Ma’akum Developmental Foundation mdf distributes (84) school bags for the poorest students
Dr. Al.oqab honors the President of Ma’akum Developmental Foundation (MDF) in recognition of their contributions to the educational process at Taiz University .
Taiz..As part of Back to school campaign.. Ma’akum Developmental Foundation MDF honors the excellent students who lost their breadwinner ..
Ma’akum Developmental Foundation mdf targets 5760 families as part of its sacrifice meat distribution plan for this year.
Taiz..within the partners program mdf distributed Eid meat 1440
Ma’akum Developmental Foundation (MDF) implements the distribution of Eid clothing for children who have lost their breadwinners.
Taiz..Partners Program..mdf continues the distribution of cash assistances
Taiz..within the programs of partners funded by Selah Foundation for development .. mdf launches the ten projects of Dhu al-Hijjah 1440
Taiz.. Ma’akum Developmental Foundation hold a course in psychosocial support for patients of renal failure.
Call for help.. Cholera epidemic hits The village of Burh al-Bnak / Isle of Beni Omar / Directorate of Al-Shamaitin in Taiz ..
Taiz.. MDF honors a number of universities that have contributed to the service of society ..
Taiz today .. Meeting of specialized committees for interview Applicants for My Profession Is In My Hand3 program For 1100 young men and women ..
Announcement for applicants of My profession is in my hand 3 program
Free professional diplomas in the following fields
Taiz : performing 30 free surgeries..
Taiz .. Sunday, June 23, 2019, the Executive Manger of the subcommittee for relief and the Manager of the Social Affairs and Labor, visit Ma’akum Developmental Foundation MDF.
Funded by Mercy relief Britain, Ma’akum Developmental Foundation mdf distributes 100 food baskets to the poorest families in Hodeidah Governorate.
Taiz .. Ma’akum Developmental Foundation MDF continues to distribute hot meals (Ramadam breakfast) to passersby and the most vulnerable groups in society ..
Taiz .. Ma’akum Developmental Foundation mdf continues to implement Ramadan programs ..
Taiz .. Funded by Selah Foundation for development Ma’akum Developmental Foundation mdf Distributes hot meals (Ramadan Breakfast) to the central reformers in Taiz during the holy month of Ramadan ..
Taiz ..funded by Selah Foundation .Ma’akum Development Foundation MDF distributes solar energy systems
According to the emergency Humanitarian Response Plan 2019, Ma’akum Developmental Foundation launched its Ramadan projects on Thursday, May 2, 2019
Taiz .. Ma’akum Developmental Foundation mdf sign a strategic partnership agreement with Mercyrelief (mercy for relief – Britain) ..
Taiz.. mdf distributed fixed cash assistances
Taiz .. Ma’akum Developmental Foundation mdf participates in the periodic meeting of the of Education Cluster in Taiz ..
Taiz .. Ma’akum Developmental Foundation mdf implements psychological support program for children and families who have lost their breadwinner.
Taiz ..Ma’akum Developmental Foundation mdf implements an awareness campaign to prevent from cholera epidemic ..
Taiz .. Ma’akum Developmental Foundation mdf participates in graduation celebrations for school students ..
Taiz .. Ma’akum developmental foundation (mdf ) meets the distress of the dialysis center in Al -jomhore Hospital
Taiz .. Distribution of health bag (hygiene tools) to the number (47) school ..
Taiz … mdf Celebrates Graduation of 43 Trainees of Both Sexes
Taiz … mdf Celebrates Graduation of 43 Trainees of Both Sexes
Funded by Silah Foundation for Development , .. MDF implemented a project to distribute food baskets and charitable cash
Yemen – Taiz .. Maakum Developmental Foundation (MDF) implements educational programs for martyrs’ families
Taiz .. MDF carries out a training course “How to prepare your own project” for the trainees of the program “My Job is Between My Hands ( 2)”
Taiz .. MDF organizes a training course in “The Art of Marketing” for the trainees of the program “My Job is Between My Hands ( 2)”
Taiz .. Maakum Development Foundation (MDF) distributes school bags to orphans
Taiz .. MDF distributes 85 food baskets to needy and destitute families
Taiz .. MDF adopts the project “distributing babies’ milk to the babies in the families who have lost their breadwinners and to disabled children and some children of poor and needy families
Taiz .. Psychological support program for the residents in DAR OMANA’A (Trustees’ House ) for accommodating renal failure patients and its workers
Taiz .. Maakum Developmental Foundation MDF organizes the tenth interactive development meeting for martyrs’ families ..
Taiz .. MDF distributes charity meats to poor families
Taiz .. funded by a Benefactor .. MDF distributes (147) food baskets
Taiz .. funded by Salah Foundation.. MDF implements the project of maintaining and rehabilitating Wadi Al – Madam water well
Tunisia.. President of Maakum Developmental Foundation (MDF) participates in the 11th. International Scientific Conference
Taiz .. funded by female Benefactors .. MDF distributed (63) food baskets
Within projects of Dhu Alhijja Moath Developmental Foundation implements a project of meat oblations distribution
Moath Developmental Foundation implements Eid clothing project for Orphans
Generously funded by a benefactor Moath Developmental Foundation MDF implements a Financial assistance distribution project
Support of charitable bakery by Moath developmental Foundation
Psychological support program for dialysis patient and workers at Oman’a accommodation
The graduation of 13 trainees of both genders in sound broadcast engineering
One Life Global Foundation aids Hodaida city with 315 Food baskets on 19 july 2018
Maakum Development foundation (MDF) implements the project of Eid Meat Distribution
MDF implements the project of distribution the bread loaf with the generous support of Mercy Relief UK
Funded by Australian Ausrelief Moath Developmental Foundation distributes food assistance to needy families
As a first humanitarian initiative from a thoughtful doctor 30 surgeries were performed for orphans for free
Funded by Silah, Moath developmental Foundation implement lighting project-second phase
Maakum development foundation ( MDF ) is continuing the implementation the project of fast breaking project
MDF implements the project of dates distribution 2
An eventful week at Amna’a accommodation for dialysis patients
Maakum Development foundation (MDF) distributes 250 food baskets
Moath developmental Foundation is continuing irrigation project
Malaysian One Life Global Foundation aids Taiz city with 500 Food baskets on first day of Ramadan
A relief, Ramadani convoy was sent from Moath developmental foundation to displaced people of Makbana directorate
Moath developmental foundation implements financial assistance projects
Maakum developmental Foundation plants the hope for the Amal Center for cancer patients
Moath developmental Foundation distributes 400 food baskets in the Cairo Directorate
Moath developmental Foundation holds eighth interactive developmental forum for martyrs’ families
Maakum foundation MDF relieves sala with ( 400 ) food baskets
Moath developmental foundation executes an urgent relief campaign for displaced people on Habashi mountain directorate
Maakum Developmental Foundation MDF imports two medical appliances for the field hospital in the eastern area of the city
Military hospital in Taiz presents the armor of benevolence to Moath developmental Foundation MDF
Launching the first day of the program ” My profession is at my Hands 2″
MDF Moath foundation equips faculty of community in Al- m’afer directorate-Taiz city with educational tools
MDF supports it at the Republican Hospital in Taiz.
Mo’ad Development Corporation (MDF) is completing its free professional diploma courses for the second consecutive year
Moath development distributes 50 food baskets to patients of renal failure and affected by the recent incidents of the war.
with a generous funding from Malaysian foundation Insan, Moath foundation distributes food baskets to war affected families
Moath developmental foundation distributes 400 food baskets generously funded by One Global Life organization
Displaced people of Alwaziah a journey of constant suffering and bad humanitarian situation
Moath developmental foundation for is launching a distress call to relief displaced people from Al-kadaha
Distribution of food baskets generously financed by a benefactor in Tihama directorate
A comprehensive media coverage of collective wedding ceremony for war injured – Taiz city
A collective wedding for 40 brides and grooms of war injured amputees
A Part of distributing sewing machines to martyrs’ widows
Emergency Unit in Moath foundation gives prompt aids to families of those who martyred two days ago
Islah Association- charity commission in kingdom of Bahrain offers 50 tons of foodstuffs to project of hot meals
“First assistance convoy” as an urgent response to relieve war affected in Mukha directorate Taiz-city
Tawakul Kerman International Foundation is preparing to distribute 700 food baskets to displaced