#The_Transformation_of_Education_Begins_with_Teachers Under this slogan, the world celebrates World Teachers’ Day today, Wednesday, October 5. All the love, respect, appreciation, thanks and gratitude are to every teacher in this world.. #World_Teachers’_Day_October_5 #The_Transformation_of_Education_Begins_with_Teachers #Education_is_Life #Ma’akum_Develppmental_Foundation_MAAKUMMDF YEMEN2022-10-05
The Livelihoods Sector creates sustainable job opportunities for the most vulnerable groups in society through economic empowerment projects. #Taiz.. Funded by Sela Foundation for Development, MAAKUM Foundation continues implementing the project “My Profession is in my Hand 6” in the areas of electrical wiring and maintenance of solar power systems for 15 young people.MDF YEMEN2022-10-03
It is not just a school bag or uniform.. Rather, it contains necessary educational supplies to motivate children to continue their education in the most drop-out-of-school areas due to the harsh living and climatic conditions people in Mawza District, west of Taiz governorate, are suffering from.. #Maakum_Developmental_Foundation_MAAKUM #Education_is_life #Back_To_School_Campaign #Distribution_of_Bag_and_School_Uniform #September_2022MDF YEMEN2022-09-26
We all hopeMDF YEMEN2022-09-22كلنا أمل أن السلام الى انتشار .. والصراع الى انحسار .. #اليومالعالميللسلام #٢١سبتمبر #مؤسسةمعكمالتنموية_MAAKUM We all hope that peace will ... اقرأ أكثر