Taiz.. The Head of MAAKUM Foundation meets the delegation of the Water Corporation in Taiz to discuss the needs of the water sector and seek to find sustainable solutions to the water problem in Taiz Governorate and to strengthen the partnership between the government sector and foundations in light of the great and sustainable efforts made by MAAKUM in the WASH sector. #MAAKUM_Developmental_Foundation_MAAKUMMDF YEMEN2022-10-22
Taiz.. after the death of the young man Hassan Hameed Al-Nahari yesterday, Dengue fever kills dozens, and cases of infection have risen to more than eight thousand. The local authorities are discussing plans to confront this epidemic, foremost of which is the misty spray and the back filling the open swamps and the integrated teamwork between the various offices and authorities in the governorate.MDF YEMEN2022-10-22
Taiz.. Within the emergency response plan made for the water crisis, and in order to improve the quality of water sources, #Maakum_Developmental_Foundation_MAAKUM launches the project “Building a Water Tank in Al-Mahzaf Village in Saber Al-Mawadem District”.MDF YEMEN2022-10-11
For Free Health Care for Newborns As part of its plan to enhance the capacity of the incubators department in the Yemeni-Swedish Hospital in Taiz, which is the only hospital for children in the governorate, today, Thursday, 6 October, 2022 Ma’akum Developmental Foundation MAAKUM supplied it with a new baby incubator. This project comes months after MAAKUM Foundation provided the Incubators Department at AL-Jomhori Hospital with (4) incubators and (😎 phototherapy devices. This project aims to provide basic care for newborns. Thanks to this support, and others provided by organizations, the poorest families can now obtain basic health care for their children, which was impossible before, where most families could not afford treating their children in private hospitals, which are very expensive, along with the deteriorating general economic situation for years.MDF YEMEN2022-10-07