Conclusion of the project of training and empowering (50) women in advanced sewing and food preparation. Media | MAAKUM Saturday, 18 February, 2023 In the presence of the local authority and NRC representative, #Ma’akum_Developmental_Foundation_MAAKUM concluded today the project ” Strengthening Livelihood Opportunities for Vulnerable Households in Al-Qahera and Al-Mudhaffar Districts ” through holding a productive bazaar for the female trainees in advanced sewing and food preparation. During the bazaar, (50) trainees were empowered, through distributing ovens and gas cylinders to the (30) food preparation trainees, and sewing equipment to the (20) advanced sewing trainees. Director General of the Office of Technical Education and Vocational Training in Taiz Governorate, Eng. Qaid Al-Selwi, congratulated the project graduates and expressed his happiness at the graduation of such qualified cadres for the labor market, stressing the importance of such sustainable programs and projects in improving livelihood opportunities and thanking the European Union for its funding this qualitative project and the Norwegian Refugee Council and Ma’akum Developmental Foundation MAAKUM for their outstanding implementation. During the empowerment and bazaar event, the attendees were briefed on the various food products made by the food preparation trainees, as well as the various models and dresses produced by the advanced sewing trainees. The graduate trainees expressed their happiness today as they received the empowerment kits, after which they can start their own projects and enter the labor market efficiently and competently. The event was attended by the Norwegian Refugee Council representative, Mr. Issa Mohammad, director general of the Office of Technical Education and Vocational Training in Taiz, Eng. Qaid Al-Selwi, dean of the Technical Institute in Ash-Shamyatein, Mr. Abdulilah Sallam Al-Dubaee and director of Aljanad Center for Training and Skills Development, Mr. Rashad Al-Faqih, in addition to a large gathering of merchants, interested people, and citizens. By this, #Maakum_Developmental_Foundation_MAAKUM concluded the project ” Strengthening Livelihood Opportunities for Vulnerable Households in Al-Qahera and Al-Mudhaffar Districts ,” funded by European Union in Yemen بعثة الاتحاد الأوروبي في اليمن NRC – Norwegian Refugee Council NRC East Africa & Yemen #Maakum_Developmental_Foundation_MAAKUMMDF YEMEN2023-02-18
Taiz.. As part of the urgent response plan for the water crisis, in order to enhance the quality of water sources and promote the withstanding of rural communities, #Maakum_Developmental_Foundation_MAAKUM launches today the project “Building a Water Tank with the Capacity of 48 Cubic Meters” in Al-Mahjaf village, Al-Jaran sub-district, Saber Al-Mawadem district, in the presence of the district director, Shaikh Abdurrahman Mohammed Al-Kadahi, the community committee and a great number of residents. The project will benefit 2500 people, and it was implemented in coordination with the local authority and the WASH cluster. #Maakum_Developmental_Foundation_MAAKUMMDF YEMEN2023-02-15
NRC visits the entrepreneurship and life skills course within the project ” Strengthening Livelihood Opportunities for Vulnerable Households in Al-Qahera and Al-Mudhaffar Districts “, implemented by #MAAKUM with the aim of providing added value to the project in order to enable 50 trainees, who have completed their training in the fields of advanced sewing and food preparation, to acquire the skills and ability needed to compete in the labor market. The visit provided an additional incentive for the trainees, who are about to complete the training and receive empowerment kits to start their own projects and enter the labor market. This project is being implemented by #Maakum_Developmental_Foundation_MAAKUM, with funding from the European Union EU and in partnership with the Norwegian Refugee Council NRC in Taiz Governorate. تمويل بعثة الاتحاد الأوروبي في اليمن European Union in Yemen بعثة الاتحاد الأوروبي في اليمن تنفيذ المجلس النرويجي NRC NRC – Norwegian Refugee Council بالشراكة مع #مؤسسة_معكم_التنموية_MAAKUM NRC East Africa & Yemen European Union in Yemen بعثة الاتحاد الأوروبي في اليمن YEMEN2023-02-11
Through this sector, the foundation aims to enhance the access to safe and comprehensive education opportunities for vulnerable school-age children, care providers and people working in the field of education, which will enhance recovery and resilience, focusing on those in dire need of educational services in the areas of great need due to the lack of education facilities along with the increase in displacement #World_Education_Day #Education_is_ameans_of_investing_in_people #Education_Is_Life #Maakum_Developmental_Foundation_MAAKUMMDF YEMEN2023-01-24