An eventful week at Amna’a accommodation for dialysis patients

Yemen-Taiz city


Amna’a accommodation for dialysis patients, which is a part Moath developmental foundation has witnessed diverse activities that started with a visit was paid by students of keeping holy Quran, listen to its guests of dialysis patients, giving them various gifts to express love and to soothe their sufferings.

Management of the accommodation organized a trip for dialysis patients of the accommodation to Garden City after rainfall,Today,Tuesday as a part of the psychological support program that’s being done by the accommodation.

Guests expressed their happiness and joy of this activity in the magnificent weather that has been witnessed by the city.

Also,One of the patrons of charity supported Amna’a accommodation with a various of cleaning materials as a mark of caring for this unprecedented project and dialysis patients of the accommodation.

It’s worth mentioning that Moath developmental foundation opened Amna’a accommodation at an early time of this month for accommodating patients who come from faraway from kidney
lavement places. And don’t help being homeless in the yard of the artificial kidney at Althawra hospital.

Moath developmental Foundation MDF

A hand builds…… another relieves

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