Taiz.. Funded by Mercyrelief, Ma’akum Developmental Foundation mdf Concludes the Implementation of Al-Sogeima Well Project in Mawza District..

Taiz.. Funded by Mercyrelief,
Ma’akum Developmental Foundation mdf Concludes the
Implementation of Al-Sogeima Well Project in Mawza District..
Media | mdf
In coordination with the WASH Cluster and the local authorities, and with the aim of providing safe water for drinking and home use in an easy and safe way, mdf concluded the implementation of digging Al-Sogeima well and connecting it to a water tank and providing it with a solar-powered pump in Alhamili area, Mawza District, Taiz Governorate.
The project included digging the well to the depth of 12 meters and 2.5 meters in diameter, concrete lining of the well and building a concrete opening, in addition to supplying a 3000-liter plastic assembly water tank at the entrance of the village and a water network from the well to the tank. The project also included the supply of a submersible pump along with an integrated solar power system..
Mr Yasser Al-Oshari, the project manager and WASH coordinator at mdf, stressed that the need for wells is still great and urgent in Mawza District, and he thanked Mercyrelief for financing such vital and sustainable project in the most affected area and most in need of relief and development projects in Taiz Governorate.