mdf .. Inaunched of My profession is in my hand 3 Program for 108 trainees

Media Unit Special – Taiz
Sunday, September 15, 2019

Inaunched of My profession is in my hand 3 Program for 108 trainees

Funded by Selah Foundation for Development,
Ma’akum Developmental Foundation mdf Early Refreshment Sector Sunday, September 15, 2019 launched
the program of My profession is in my hand 3 ,this program includes (10) areas which are:
1 / Diploma of Sound Engineering, Production and photography.
2 / Diploma of electrical wiring
3 / Diploma of sewing and embroidery
4 / Diploma of coiffure
5 / Diploma of maintenance and installation smartphones.
6- information security .
7 / Installation and programming cameras.
8 / Management of Internet WiFi
9 / Maintenance of motorcycles.
10 / Diploma of Communication Technician

This program which lasts 6months, aims to provide young people with a technical and professional skill that qualifies them to open their own project and convert the individual from the need to production . The program is going through two phases of theoretical and practical skill acquisition phase and the empowerment phase that provides the necessary equipment and helps them to open their own project and follow it for one year to assess the extent of achieving the goal and the dependence of these families on earning and self-reliance

The program targets unemployed youth as well as women who have lost their breadwinner and have the desire to work and need those who help them to achieve their dream and self-reliance.

The opening ceremony was attended by the General Director of the Social affairs and Labor in the governorate. Abdo Ali and Mr. Mohammed Abdullah the executive Director of the sub-committee of relief in the province ..

In his speech Mr. Abdo Ali, General Director of the Social Affairs and Labor in the provence, is honored to launch this qualitative development project.He also thanked Ma’akum Developmental Foundation (MDF) and all those who support this vital development program, calling on all organizations to adopt such programs that contribute to reduce unemployment and achieving sustainable .

In turn the presedent of the Foundation Dr. Abdulhameed Al-Yousifi said that the program aims to provide these targeted vocational skills that enable them to earn and qualify them for the labor market and contribute to the promotion of sustainable development and dependence on earning through work and production .. Stressing that there are dozens of young men and women graduates from My profession is in my hand 1 and 2 and they are now counting Their supporting to their families and they have their own income-generating projects ..

He also thanked Selah Foundation for its continued support for this program for the third year in a row and many developmental and relief projects in the province .. And to all those who contributed to support some areas, namely , Omana Khadija Foundation ; Mother; skills; and other businessmen ..

Ma’akum Developmental Foundation
One hand is building..the other is relieving

Taiz-Yemen-Tadhamon building

Tel: +9674256197


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