Taiz … mdf Celebrates Graduation of 43 Trainees of Both Sexes

On March 6th. 2019, Ma’akum Development Foundation mdf celebrated the graduation of (43) participants in the program “My Job’s Between My Hands “, which is funded by Silah Foundation for Development. This batch graduated in the fields of sewing, embroidery, electrical wiring , solar energy, motorcycle maintenance, sound engineering and radio production. The Foundation aims, through this program, to empower young people of both sexes to find livelihood ways that qualify them to open their own projects ..

In this celebration, the students sponsored by the Foundation within the University Scholarship Program were also honored as well as many bodies and persons who have had distinctive fingerprints in providing services to the community in coordination with MDF Foundation in the year 2018 and still going on ..

The ceremony included many artistic and creative paragraphs was attended by D. Abdulqawi Al-Mikhlafi, First Deputy Governor of Taiz Governorate and Mr. Aref Jamel, Deputy Governor of Taiz Governorate , D. Eylan Abdulhaq, Deputy Governor for Health Affairs , T. Nabeel Jamel, Director General of planning and International Cooperation Office, Mr. Fuad Al-Himyari, Deputy Minister of Information, Mr. Najeeb Qahtan, Director General of the Information Office of the Governorate , Mr. Fadhl Al-Shaibani, Director General of the Civil Service Office in the Governorate, Mr. Abdulwase’ Shadad, Director of the Education Office in the Governorate , Mr. Ahmed Abdulkareem Al-Mujahid, Director General of the Industry and Commerce Office in the Governorate, Lt. Col. Issam Al-Kamali, Director of Central Reform, as well as the heads of the private universities in the governorate, a large number of interested people and citizens.

In his speech, the Director of the Foundation expressed his thanks and appreciation to the sponsoring and supporting bodies , represented by Silah Foundation for Development and Skills’ Center ( My Skills 3) and Nama’a Yemeni Network for NGOs.

mdf Foundation

One hand is building .. and the other is relieving