Funded by Silah, Moath developmental Foundation implement lighting project-second phase

Yemen -Taiz city


Moath developmental Foundation,today, Tuesday, 5th of June 2018 implanted project of lighting second phase, generously funded by Silah Foundation for development.

50 benefits of needy and most war affected families.

Benefits expressed their happiness to have solar energy system,because they were living either in the dark, or by candlelight.

The president of the Foundation / Abdulhameed Alyusofi expressed his approval of this qualitative project that was funded by Silah Foundation for the second time in Taiz city through Moath Developmental Foundation. He his thanks to Silah Foundation for its continuous support during three years to Taiz city through funding various of projects either seasonal, tropic, health, or developmental.

In addition, Silah Foundation implemented during holy month of Ramadan a various of aid and developmental project included fast breaking, food baskets, financial charity, meat and solar energy systems.

Moath developmental Foundation MDF

A hand builds…… another relieves

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