Moath developmental Foundation is continuing irrigation project

Yemen -Taiz city


With a generous funding and a brotherly gesture from Kuwaiti soothing griefs group,Moath developmental foundation continues the implementation of irrigation project in Taiz city.

The project includes the distribution of (1,080,000) one million and eighty thousand liters of drinking water distributed on 15 centers in holy month of Ramadan 1439 AH.

The project aims to soothe the sufferings of the people in a number of crowded neighbourhoods in the city, where the services of the public utility of water were ceased 3 years ago due to the ongoing war.

Mr/Yaser Fitainy expressed his gratitude to soothing griefs group for their effective cooperation in soothing people’s sufferings in Taiz city through this project in these circumstances of war and seige the city goes through.

This comes within Ramadani relief projects being implemented by the Foundation along with other projects.

Moath developmental Foundation MDF

A hand builds…… another relieves

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