Success Story of Dar Omana for renal failure in Taiz.

Abdul Rahman Hamoud Ali Murshid suffered from kidney failure in 2014. He was born in Ash-Sharqi area in Sabr Al-Mawadim District. He is married with three sons and three daughters, , the youngest of whom is is Najm studying in the first grade. Abdul Rahman’s family lives in his hometown in Al-Sharqi region, Sabr Al-Mawadim District.
Abdurrahman was one of the graduates of Omar bin Abdulaziz Institute for qualifying teachers in Al-Qaeda District, Ibb Gov., in 1992 and he started working as a teacher in Assalam School in Saber Al-Mawadem..
“I got renal failure in 2014, and then my renal dialysis suffering began, where I and many like myself had to sleep in the yard of Al-Thawra Hospital, outside the renal dialysis center,” said abdurrahman.
Abdurrahman gets renal dialysis every Monday and Thursday, and he travels to his village to see his family and children at least every two weeks..
“It was a great day when I joined Dar Umana for Housing Renal Failure Patients, the day it was opened on 27 February 2018, as we were 15 male and 15 female renal failure patients,” said he.
“Dar Umana provides housing & healthy nutrition services and psychological support programs in a convenient environment which is equipped with a screen and modern furniture, in addition to the qualified supervisors,” said Abdurrahman with pleasure.
He also emphasized, “Alhamdulillah, everyone of us has a sperate bed, and we eat, drink, watch TV, we get in and out freely, the supervisor deals with us as though everyone of us is his father, and we live together and deal with each other with mercy and brotherhood.
If Abdurrahman and the other residents of Dar Umana want to visit their families in their villages, they have to travel through a very long road, which is costly and keeps worrying them and places extra burdens on them, forcing them not to visit their families but through long intervals.
“I have been in Dar Umana for Housing Renal Failure Patients for six years. Alhamdulillah, I’m comfortable; I go get renal dialysis and get back to Dar Umana and I travel and get back to Dar Umana,” said Abdurrahman.
Ma’akum Developmental Foundation MAAKUM officially opened Dar Umana on 18 February 2018 under wide media coverage, as it met a severe humanitarian need; it sheltered renal failure patients from villages who used to sleep under trees in the hospital yard with only pieces of cartoon as beds, exposed to dust and hot sun while awaiting for their turns for renal dialysis. Then came Dar Umana, which is well-equipped with a specified kitchen, to shelter them and free them from such suffering.
Abdurrahman thanks Dar Umana’s sponsor saying,
“I would like to give my thanks to Ma’akum Developmental Foundation MAAKUM for adopting and supporting this Shelter, and to all its supporters. I thank them for their giving, and I ask Allah to reward them greatly.”
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