Maakum foundation MDF relieves sala with ( 400 ) food baskets

Yemen-Taiz city

MDF executed the project of distributing number of ( 400 ) food baskets in sala directorate and targeted the beggar families and most affected of war .

The project aims to sooth the suffering of the people of directorate in this bad situation as most people live closeness from places of combating and they lack constituent of life due .

This campaign comes within the projects of dispelling the sufferings away that the Foundation is implementing during Sh’aban to sooth the sufferings of beggar families that’s being funded by a benefactor .

The benefits have expressed their thanks and grutitude to the generous benefactor and MDF for this generous act which will reduce their sufferings in this bad situation.

Thia is the foundation implemented yesterday a relive campaign to the ( bany kawlan ) displaced people on habashi mountain directorate in coordination with the local authority .

Maakum developmental foundation MDF

A hand builds…… another relieves

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