Moath developmental foundation executes an urgent relief campaign for displaced people on Habashi mountain directorate

Yemen-Taiz city

Moath developmental foundation MDF implemented
a campaign to relieve displaced people in
Bani Khawlan- Habashi mountain directorate in coordination with the local authority there.

The campaign included the distribution of food baskets and financial assistance that targeted displaced families to soothe their sufferings from poverty, homelessness,and hunger due to war and confrontations in the directorate.

Faris Almolaiki, the director of the directorate expressed his thanks to supporters and donors of the campaign and the executor foundation,Moath developmental foundation recalling the organizations and rich people to urgently answer the call of distress to aid this group of displaced people who are more than 2568 and live in a complicated living conditions.
Adding that through field visits i discovered that that these families has so many things that call for mercy,cooperation and humanitarian solidarity for them,because they lack constituent of life due to displacement.

This campaign comes within the projects of dispelling the sufferings away that’s being funded by a benefactor,Allah reward him that the Foundation is implementing during Sh’aban to sooth the sufferings of beggar families.

Moath developmental foundation MDF

A hand builds…… another relieves

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