Launching the first day of the program ” My profession is at my Hands 2″

Yemen-Taiz city.

Launching the first day of the program “My Job is at my hands 2″

Funded by Silah Foundation for development, Taiz city, Moath developmental Foundation today launched the first day of study of the professional diplomas which was a part of the project “My profession is at my Hands 2”

The project included four professional diplomas and out of 288 students of those who were interviewed , 42 of unemployed youth have been accepted were applied to the criteria and the stipulations were put to the program. And got the first places were divided as follows:-

14 students (tailoring and embroidery)
12 students (sound engineering)
11 students ( electrical wiring)
5 students ( motorbikes repairing)

-The program is designed to provide the targeted with professional skills that enable them to make living and qualify them to get a job . The program is going to turn them from consumers into producers.

Worth mentioning that the program of “my Job is at My Hands ” has been conducted in Taiz for the second year consequently , funded by Silah Foundation for development and implemented by Moath developmental foundation MDF.


Moath development foundation MDF…. One hand builds; another relieves.
