Islah Association- charity commission in kingdom of Bahrain offers 50 tons of foodstuffs to project of hot meals

Under the project of hot meals for war affected people, Moath developmental foundation today,25/2/2017 implemented the project of hot meals generously funded by charity of Islah association in kingdom of Bahrain. The project has been provided by more than 50 tons of foodstuffs such as Rice, Tea, Sugar, Beans, Cooking oil, and Sauce etc. And this project is one many that charity commission gives its full attention to in these critical situation of war and siege. The president of the association Dr. Abdulhameed Saif asserted that this project has continued for more the two years and alleviated people’s sufferings in these turbulent times.

45000 people monthly were benefited from this project, at the rate of 1500 individuals per day.

For that the president of the foundation has given his genuine thanks to the kingdom of Bahrain king, people, government and to charity committee represented by Mr. Tariq Taha Al-sheikh- the executive manager for their honest and brotherly stand by Yemeni people which was represented by providing Yemen with food, medicine, housing displaced along with humanitarian reliefs to injured and martyrs’ families. Stressing that this support today is an extension of a march progress of a blessed donation the charity committee Al-islah association in kingdom of Bahrain and kingdom of Bahrain king, people, and government has been conducting since years. It’s a message of good and donation to Yemeni people.

Moath developmental foundation

A hand builds………another relieves.