Taiz … funded by Selah Foundation for Development .. mdf concludes the program My profession is in my hand 4

Media department | Special

Thursday, January 7, 2021

In the presence of the General Director of Social Affairs and Labor and the General Director of the Technical Education and Vocational Training Office, Ma’akum Developmental Foundation mdf holds the closing ceremony of the advanced sewing course within My profession is in my Hand 4 program

The ceremony included honoring (15) trainees, and a special honor for the first-ranked winner, and delivering them an integrated empowerment kit. The ceremony included an exhibition of the dresses produced by the trainees during the session, and working sessions between female graduates, businessmen and textile merchants.
… This program is the first of its kind in the governorate as it is specialized in advanced professional sewing. It lasted (120) training hours in addition to a course in entrepreneurship, which lasted (46) training hours.
During the program, the trainees were given sewing skills for dresses and were able to produce and open their own projects. In addition to life skills and entrepreneurship.

At the ceremony, Dr. Abdul Hamid Al-Yousfi the head of Ma’akum Development Foundation mdf thanked Saleh foundation for its continuous efforts in supporting such development programs that qualify the target and give them the ability to support their families and turn them into production and self-reliance, appreciating the presence of some businessmen to learn about the quality of work and Futuristic relationships with female graduates.

For his part, the Director General of the Social Affairs and Labor Office praised the My profession is in my hands 4 program, considering that Selah Foundation has its distinct developmental touches and preceded in this field. He thanked all those in charge of it and their developmental and relief role in the governorate. Dr. Ali Abdel-Rab, Secretary General of Al-Nama’a Network, praised the role of the Selah Foundation, which has been known for years.
It is worth noting that the Selah Foundation for Development is implementing the My Career in My Hand 4 program in (5) governorates, from which (505) trainees will benefit.
The ceremony was attended by the General Director of the Social Affairs and Labor Office, the General Director of the Technical and Vocational Education Office and the Director General of the Maqbana District Director. And the Secretary General of the Development Network, Dr. Ali Abdel-Rab, and a large group of businessmen and merchants of fabrics and clothes in the governorate.

Ma’akum Developmental Foundation mdf
One hand builds … and another relieves