Taiz .. Ma’akum Developmental Foundation mdf celebrates the Arabic Day for an Orphan ..

In celebration of the Arabic Day of the orphan ..
Thursday, April 9, 2020, the protection and health sectors of Ma’akum Developmental Foundation (mdf) carried out field visits to the homes of children and families who have lost breadwinner.

This comes after the effectiveness of the Foundation’s friendly and open spaces in such events could not be celebrated due to the banning of gatherings in order to avoid the possibility of a global epidemic of Corona (COVID-19) ..

During these field home visits, the Foundation implemented health awareness through a medical specialist for nearly 100 individuals about the dangers of the Corona virus.

The Foundation also distributed gifts that enhance psychological support positively to children who have lost their families, in addition to distribute health awareness brochures and multi-item health bags that directly contribute to prevent and combat the spread of the virus and protecting families and children from potential catastrophic risks, Allah forbid.

Ma’akum developmental foundatin (mdf)
One hand builds and another relieves
